Peter’s Confession – Matthew 16:16


Peter’s Confession of The Christ in Hebrew

In the significant passage of Matthew 16:16, Peter articulates a profound statement: “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” This declaration marks a pivotal moment in Christian faith, highlighting Peter’s recognition of Jesus’ divine identity and mission.

Significance of Peter’s Words

Peter’s confession serves as a cornerstone of Christian belief. By acknowledging Jesus as the Messiah, he not only affirms the truth but sets the foundation for church doctrine. This moment underscores the importance of recognizing Jesus’ role in salvation and authority.


Understanding Peter’s confession enriches one’s spiritual journey. This fine art print is more than just a piece of decor—As believers reflect on this declaration, it prompts deeper introspection about their own faith and recognition of Christ’s significance in their lives.



Size : W 12in x H 12in
Frame : Synthetic
Color : Black
Material : Acrylic front
Frame Thickness : 1 inch

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